Barrie M. Hayes, Partner, Family Law

The Income Tax Act recognizes spousal support payments as a tax-deductible expenditure.

The Act recognizes both married and common- law spousal support payments as tax-deductible. In order to qualify as a tax-deductible expenditure the spousal support order needs to;

1. Be embodied in a court order or written

Barrie Hayes, Partner

In my previous blog I described the formulaic calculation used by the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (“ SSAG”) to determine spousal support in circumstances where the parties had no children.

In this article I will focus on the SSAG formulaic calculation to determine spousal support in circumstances where the parties have

Barrie Hayes, Partner

The differing approaches to the calculation of spousal support under the spousal support advisory guidelines.

The spousal support advisory guidelines contain formulaic calculations to assist in the calculation of both quantum (amount) and duration of spousal support.

The guidelines contain markedly different formulaic calculations when addressing spousal support calculation where there

Many people are surprised by the high cost of legal services when they go through separation and divorce.  It is not unusual to spend tens of thousands of dollars to have issues resolved even in an “amicable divorce”.  Here are some of the reasons.

First, in most cases, people have many issues to resolve:


Although Ontario common law spouses have a statutory right to receive spousal support upon separation, there is no statutory recognition of common law spouses in claims for property. The Family Law Act, in dealing with equalization of net family property, limits spouses to legal married spouses only.

Courts in Ontario, however, have historically granted