Catherine Hyde, Paralegal

In recent years there has been an increase in separation of couples in the 55+ category.  It seems once the children have left and you start to notice an increase in the people you know in the obituaries, you ask yourself- is this all there is?  Thoughts of separation seep in.  Before

Many people are surprised by the high cost of legal services when they go through separation and divorce.  It is not unusual to spend tens of thousands of dollars to have issues resolved even in an “amicable divorce”.  Here are some of the reasons.

First, in most cases, people have many issues to resolve:


By Douglas J. Manning, Partner, Certified Specialist in Family Law

For years family law lawyers in Ontario (and their clients) having been waiting for (and lobbying for) changes to the legislation governing pensions upon separation.  The reason for the desire for change was to be able to treat a spouse’s (or both spouses’) pension(s) more