Thomas Dart, Partner, Family Law

When a family unit starts to breakdown, the financial ramifications are already hard enough to handle without throwing into the mix the cost of the professional services required to finalize the parenting, property, support and a myriad of other issues. The wedding may have cost $50,000 but the divorce

Jodi Armstrong, Partner, Family Law

There are certainly some similarities between a mediation report and a separation agreement: both documents outline agreed upon terms and both, at least appear, to have an air of finality about them.  Why then, once parties have gone through the mediation process and have received a final report setting

Catherine Hyde, Paralegal

In recent years there has been an increase in separation of couples in the 55+ category.  It seems once the children have left and you start to notice an increase in the people you know in the obituaries, you ask yourself- is this all there is?  Thoughts of separation seep in.  Before

David Harris-Lowe, Partner, Family Law

Going through a separation or divorce is often a really challenging experience. It can be legally complex, emotionally challenging, and financially draining. You’re under pressure and it’s tempting to cut corners by handling the separation and divorce without the assistance of a lawyer. Too often this leads to bad

By Douglas J. Manning, Partner, Certified Specialist in Family Law

So you want to “win” your child custody case?  Here are some do’s and don’ts:

  1. The most successful party is almost always the more cooperative parent:  Avoid picking fights with, or escalating fights with the other parent.
  2. Basic care for the children should be

By Douglas Manning, Partner, Certified Specialist in Family Law

In these days of ever-increasing complexity insocial media.png how we communicate (and perhaps why we communicate) couples might be well-served to discuss the “Rules of Engagement” in how they use their social media accounts.  Relationships are hard enough as it is, but now with the rise