A recent article in the Toronto Star, ‘The Political Becomes Personal’ – Tanya Talaga, Saturday March 12th, brought home to me the additional stress that single parent/working women face in our ‘liberated’ society.

NDP leader Andrea Horwath had recently ended her 25 year common-law relationship.  While the article did not deal with any of the

The Family Responsibility Office (FRO) is responsible for enforcing support payments in Ontario.  Once an Order is made in Court for child support or spousal support, it is filed with FRO for enforcement unless both parties sign a Notice of Withdrawal indicating that they do not wish to have the Order enforced by FRO.


“He is a lying, cheating, blankity blank and I can prove it!” I sometimes hear this type of statement (blanks usually filled in) with the client sitting across from me and looking at me expectantly … almost as if waiting for me to put my feet up on my desk and declare, “Well, that’s it then: case closed!!”. While it would be strangely satisfying to be able to resolve a matter with that degree of simplicity, in reality, it just doesn’t work that way.
Continue Reading Adultery: Finding the Proverbial Lipstick on His Collar

As a family law lawyer, I have had the opportunity to speak to many different people from many different types of families.  There are all sorts of familial relationships and connections out there and, as our own Catherine Hyde has pointed out, the modern family is no longer what one might once have thought of