Catherine Hyde, Paralegalholding jpg

I first got to know my best friend when we were 12.  Many a night was spent together telling our deepest secrets.  We were there for each other in times of trouble and in times of celebration. To this day despite living at opposite ends of the country, we rely on each

Catherine Hyde – Paralegal

Tis the season, and no I don’t mean Christmas. You have made it through the winter activities ofbear meal.jpg hockey, figure skating, dance, music.  Now the days are getting warmer and longer. Your schedule though often becomes busier as you now have soccer, baseball, ball hockey.  There are wrap-up parties for your

Catherine Hyde – Paralegal, Family Law ClerkDoc1.jpg

This picture brings an immediate smile to my face.  It is clear that both mother and daughter are enjoying the moment.  No fancy games or resorts just a moment together.  Spending time with your children is the best present you can give to your children.  The day may

Catherine Hyde- Paralegal


Our group blog is entitled “Matrimonial Matters”.  It consists of articles that provide helpful hints on separation and divorce.  What if we read the title in a different way – what if instead we look at “marriage matters” and using the term marriage loosely to include common law relationships.  Therefore, relationships with

Catherine Hyde

Family Law Clerk

Often we receive emails from clients providing copies of emails they have received from their spouse relating to custody and access issues or money problems.  The intent is to show us how unco-operative the other party is being.  The end result is often a litany of email exchanges between the

Catherine Hyde – Family Law Clerk

Summers in Barrie, Ontario have always been beautiful.  We live in a marvelous city with the beautiful Kempenfelt Bay at its centre.  I came from a siFamily on beachngle parent home and there was not much money.  Back in the 60’s every Sunday we walked from our home on Mulholland Drive

Catherine Hyde, Family Law Clerk

My uncle was residing in a nursing home and it was left to my husband and me to sell his home.  We sought input from three realtors as to the price and what needed to be done in order to sell the home.

Two of the agents came in and